It is terrible when you pull up at your house door and see it wide open. Next, you are welcomed with your possessions lying on the floor, the ones left strewn and broken. You are glad you and your family are safe, but your security sense is shattered.
The above-stated scenario is quite common worldwide and in the United States. A report suggested fewer than four burglaries every minute, or one robbery every 15 seconds in the states.
The ‘burglary’ term is the unlawful entry of someone’s property or structure to commit theft. The attempt to enter a property is classified into three categories: unlawful entry, forcible entry, and attempted forcible entry.
A forcible entry isn’t necessarily present during the attempt. And with the term structure means either a house, apartment, office or barn, place of dwelling, or stable.
A break-in might be avoidable with certain protective measures in the future. Moreover, it is also significant to know which state has an alarming situation related to it. The guide lists the facts and statistics related to break-ins in the United States. Take a look below.
Invasion statistics in the States
1. Hampshire has the lowest rate:
Among the 52 states in the United States, New Hampshire is known as the safest. According to Statista source, it ranks first, followed by New York in second with 159.3 burglaries per 100,000 citizens, followed by Virginia on third at 182.8.
2. New Mexico has the highest rate:
According to the sources from 2018, the state’s citizens are more likely to face break-ins. It is further followed by Mississippi, the second-worst state with a rate of 697.8 burglaries per 100,000 citizens, followed by Oklahoma with 681.1.
3. 8 out of 10 states in the South report the highest rate:
Oklahoma, New Mexico, Arkansas, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, and North and South Carolina tops the list of the highest number of break-ins in the United States. The other states from the west include Washington and Nevada.
4. 9 out of 10 states on the East Coast report the lowest rate:
New York, New Hampshire, Virginia, the District of Columbia, Penny Sylvia, Connecticut, Massachusetts, Maine, and New Jersey tops the list with the lowest rate, situated on the East coast. Wyoming is the only state left on the list that isn’t from the East coast.
A look at the most burglarized city in the states:
Further, names of cities with the highest break-in rate among the 52 states are mentioned. Let’s check the statistics below:
The five cities with the highest rate per capita and highest burglaries in a year listed as follows are:
Vernon, California
Sauget, Illinois
Maggie Valley, North Carolina
Berry Hill, Tennessee
Quincy, Florida
- Vernon, California, is a significant outliner. The city reported 123 burglaries in its 112 residents. Thus, this means the small town has more break-ins than the number of people living there in 2019. Further, it gives a mean of 118.8 break-ins per 100 residents. The numbers are more than 111 incidents, compared to the closest town of Sauget, Illinois, which reported 7.32 burglaries per 100.
Other facts related to break-ins in the United States:
- A report suggested that a loss of almost $3000 is indicated in case of a break-in. That is a huge chunk of change, especially for those living from one paycheck to another.
- In addition to the financial setback, emotional turmoil also take over. Besides recovering from the financial loss, you are recovering from the emotional loss because you might have lost things closer to you and held sentimental value.
- Break-ins happen during the day, most of the time. A 2016 survey revealed that the most common time to break into someone’s property was noon, after 4:00 pm. However, in 2020, data revealed by the FBI shows that 247,238 break-ins were reported during the daytime compared to 194 324 at night.
- With a temperature rise, the number of break-ins also rises in the United States. On average, break-ins are reported during June and August.
- Most of the time, renters face more break-ins compared the homeowners. It has been a trend for decades, but now the gap is closing.
In conclusion:
We are sure that some of the statistics stated above might surprise you. Nevertheless, don’t take much stress because the rate has declined over the years. However, protective measures are suggested in case.
Stay safe, you all!