If you have ever had the misfortune of losing your social security card, you will know how distressing it can get. Even if you haven’t needed a social security card replacement to date, it is always a good idea to know how to replace a social security card.

You can help out a friend or family member who might face this difficult situation.
Ordering a new social security card has never been easier. All that you need to do is request a replacement form for a Social Security card from the social security Administration.
You can replace your stolen security card by visiting the nearest Social Security card Office. If you are not up for a trip, you can always apply for a Social Security card online.
The process is extremely easy and free of any charges. The entire process of requesting a social security card to receive a new Social Security number will take you around two weeks only.
The first thing you need to do is to fill out an application for ordering a social security card on the Social Security website. After you have filled the form, you can download and print it out.
Before going to a Social Security office, you need to make sure that you have the following documents, including;
• A U.S. driver’s license
• A State-issued non-driver identification OR
• A U.S passport
All these documents must be originals or copies certified by the issuing agencies. Photocopies or notarized copies of your documents are not accepted.
You can apply for a Social Security card online for free by creating my Social Security account. The entire process is completely free of cost and will take you less than times. However, there are a few requirements to be when applying for a Social Security card online.
• You must be 18 years or older and a U.S. citizen.
• You should have an active U.S. mailing address.
• You cannot request for any new changes to your card, including a name change.
• You must have a driver’s license or any other State-issued identification card.
If your child’s social security is lost, you will need to show a State-issued birth certificate before age 5. If that is not possible, then you will have to show other documents, such as the child’s passport, which can confirm their age.
If the child is above the age of 12, he will be interviewed to ensure that the child doesn’t have a social security card. A few documents that you can show for proof are the following;
• If your child has lived outside the States for a longer period, you can show his passport or school records.
• If your child has lived in the States and is applying for an original social security card number, you can show his school records of tax records.
You will also need to provide documents for the child’s proof of identity. The following documents can be provided;
• The child’s passport
• State-issued identification card
• Hospital records
• School identification card
The procedure of replacing your social security card is different if you were born outside the U.S. If you had not provided your proof of citizenship when you first got your card, you will need to provide it again. Visit the Social Security Website to gather more information.
If you lose your social security card or have it stolen, there are a few things you can do to ensure your safety.
• The first and foremost thing to do is to order a new social security card by placing an order online at the Social Security website or visiting the nearest Social Security office.
• Place a fraud alert. You can place a fraud alert by calling any one of these credit-reporting agencies, including Experian, Equifax or TransUnion.
• Carefully monitor all your credit card statements for signs of any suspicious activity. Keep a track of your credit activity at annualcreditreport.com
• To stop the thieves from filing a tax return in your name, you should report the loss of your social security card to the IRS.
• If you want to protect yourself from any fraud further, you can also file a report with the Federal Trade Commission, the FTC.
• You should also report your social security card loss to the police. When filing a report at the police station, bring all the relevant documents alongside, including a copy of FTC identity Theft Affidavit. Ask the police for a copy of the completed report.
Replacing a lost or stolen social security card is extremely important. You will require your social security number for the rest of your life. You will need it when applying for a job when you apply for a federal loan and also when you do your taxes. Furthermore, you can be a victim to identity theft if your social security card goes into the hands of the wrong people.